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Ultra Super Punching

超スーパーパンチング加工成功 超スーパーパンチングとは
ロゴ’s definition
  1. Hole diameter (Φ) is
    less than half of the plate thickness
  2. Bar is 1mm minimum
    "Ultra Narrow Pitch".
  3. Higher pressure resistance and durability are achieved by increasing the plate thickness (t) compared
    to conventional while maintaining the same hole diameter (Φ) and pitch.

As a result, has a longer service life than conventional super punching.Perforated metal used for "screens" and "filters" also contributes to the preservation of the global environment.Okutani continues to take on further challenges to reduce environmental impact!



2t x D1 x P3 60 degree staggered
(Open area 22.7%)
6t x D3 x P5 60 degree staggered
(Open area 32.6%)

Published in Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun
on November 27, 2018
Press machine realizes a hole
with a diameter half
the thickness of the plate,
"Ultra Super Punching"
Published in Japan Metal Bulletin
on November 5, 2018
Ultra Super Punching Birth!
Successful prototype fabrication
in stainless steel
Published in Japan Metal Daily
on October 30, 2018
Hole diameter
at 50% plate thickness
Ultra Super Punching Birth!